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Solid Waste & Recycling Committee Minutes 04/10/2018
Solid Waste & Recycling Review Cte.
Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2018

Present: Leslie O’Connor, Brenda Moriarty and Louis Russo                  
Excused Absence; Tom Gotowka
Absent   ; Tom Unger

Call to order at 4:07 PM

Approval of minutes for the January 9, 2017 meeting:
Motion to accept by B. Moriarty, seconded by L. Russo.  Motion was carried by a    unanimous vote.

Community Outreach:
  • Library presentation during Earth Day (Week). L. O’Connor with the help of high school students (Mrs. Travers-sp? class) created a power-point presentation of recycling talking points. There was a review and comment period. Cathy Frank to be notified to send out a ‘news and announcement’ email for the presentation.
B. Moriarty made a short presentation to the school board but due to a busy meeting she must return to make her power-point presentation.

New Business:
  • L. O’Connor and B. Moriarty attended a DEEP, CT webinar. Brenda pointed out that the law now in place makes a standard for allowable recycle items statewide. Another initiative is for paper cartons, i.e. school milk or juice containers, which is in high demand for reuse as wallboard.
  • Discussion on a new link for our website (recycle wizard) which is a fast search for can or cannot recycle items. The request for it was made to Cathy Frank and is in process.
  • L. Russo to compose a letter to the selectpeople for the reason to possible incorporate a recycle station in the Hall’s Road revitalization planning.
Old Business:
    1) Spent some time getting committee members on line with the Town’s email, First Class.

A motion was made at 5:03 PM by to adjourn by L. Russo, seconded by B. Moriarty. Motion   was carried by a unanimous vote.